
Product overview

Our battery terminator product range is essential for battery recyclers, logistic handlers,  battery manufaturers and many more.  With both battery termination, capacity testing and second life validation it becomes indispensable in your workshop. Currently, we offer a range of ….

[ 100kW level, below 1000V ]


Our most powerfull Terminator, capable of discharging Full EV-packs, modules or CELLS up to 1000V. At the end of the process the discharger automatically shorts the battery with no voltage rebound so that it becomes safe for further processing.

Specifications discharger​

Discharge Voltage1000V ~ 2V
Discharge Current~100A @3V
Auto Short Circuit
Discharge Method~100A @3V
PC Control
Save Discharge DataUSB, PC
Battery Typepack, module
Dimension (mm)1,320 × 715 × 1,795
Weight (kg)500
[ 50kW level, below 500V ]


Powerfull Terminator, capable of discharging Full EV-packs, modules or CELLS up to 500V. At the end of the process the discharger automatically shorts the battery with no voltage rebound so that it becomes safe for further processing.

Specifications discharger​

Discharge Voltage1000V ~ 2V
Discharge Current~100A @3V
Auto Short Circuit
Discharge Method~100A @3V
PC Control
Save Discharge DataUSB, PC
Battery Typepack, module
Dimension (mm)1,320 × 715 × 1,795
Weight (kg)500
[ 20kW level, below 100V ]


This Terminator, capable of discharging modules or CELLS up to 100V has the extra functionality to extremely overdischarge the battery and terminate it’s safe for further safe processing and handling.

Specifications discharger​

Discharge Voltage1000V ~ 2V
Discharge Current~100A @3V
Auto Short Circuit
Discharge Method~100A @3V
PC Control
Save Discharge DataUSB, PC
Battery Typepack, module
Dimension (mm)1,320 × 715 × 1,795
Weight (kg)500